Thursday, August 27, 2009

Selling in a Buyer's Market II

Just got of the phone with my realtor, Tom, and it's only 8am but I am physically and emotionally drained. If I had known how hard it is to sell, grrrrrrrr.....I would have thought ahead with my purchase in terms of resell. But like I said, I fell in love with my condo, it had me at hello...hello..hello. With house buying sometimes it's not just the layout or even the wall color, it's the feeling you get the moment you walk in the door, enough to ignore the 70's grandma decor and the G0d-awful eye crossing wallpaper or even the pet smells. Like my title above, it is a buyer's market.I am selling my place at a loss. But I told my realtor I am drawing my line at this certain amount, although I did receive an offer less than $500 of my bottomline, and my bottomline is waaaayyyyy bottom already. So I have to be logical right? it's just $500, but thinking of the amount of money we put in this place, not only that but our sweat equity, ika nga "Bathroom reno...$2500, Wood floors..$2500 SWEAT EQUITY..Priceless. So basically if we factor that in the selling price we should put up our listing price +++$100000 but that is the emotional side speaking..rather it is screaming. So we did the comps and real estate "research" and that's how we ended up with this number. We did the counteroffer and it seems like everything is gonna go well, keeping all my toes and fingers crossed.

Advice for all house sellers:
1. When you buy, think about the resell. it may be 10-15 yrs from now, but always keep in mind
that nothing is permanent. But if that highway beside the house is a problem now, it will still
be a problem 10 yrs from now.
2. De-clutter! De-clutter! De-clutter! enough said
3. Store excess furniture to make the place seem larger
4. Make sure everything is spotless clean. Windows, surfaces, no dirty dishes in the sinks, no
hairs in the tub drain or bathroom floor
5. If you have kids, tell your realtor to put a note of 24 hr notice. Believe me, it is not funny when
people are coming in 30 minutes and you are up to your neck in dirty diapers and the floors
are smeared with baby food.
6. If you have a lot of close friends..(very close) or relatives make arrangements in advance for
your brood to stay in their house while it's showing, let me tell you it beats being trapped in
the car with a screaming infant and toddler in the parking lot
7. Get a realtor that you trust, someone who knows the area, has a lot of experience under their
belt. A good working relationship is ESSENTIAL.
8. I didn't even consider doing FSBO, I was scared to advertising my number and letting
strangers in my house, especially since my hubby works weekdays so it's just gonna be me
and the babies. There are a lot of psychos out there. Just look at all those aggressive
tailgaters on 95
9. And lastly, swallow your pride and emotions, even if you want to pound some rude people to a
pulp, like some realtors who are rude and annoying, they are really doing you a service by
showing your listing so smile and say yes, they can show the place in 30 mins despite the fact
that I am currently sitting in a dentist chair in a middle of a ROOT CANAL and I have to call
my mother-in-law to get her and the baby out of the house before the clients came.
10 . And finally, prepare to learn hor to deal with frustrations and the ups and downs of selling
your place. Coz it's and insane ride and it's the only way to save your sanity.

Hope this deal pushes through or else I will be blogging from the psych ward..dunno if they allow blogging???? Give me my valium pls..

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