Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jon minus Kate divide the 8 +alimony

I am not a fan of this show. Seriously...I am not a fan of anyone who tries to use children for fame or rather infamy and fortune( Octuplet mom) but that's another rant. I did see some sneak peaks and at that time I was happily surprised that this family was working it out. Before it was just, "Oh, they have 8 kids, how cute." But after having my own two kids and my eldest going through the screaming three's phase, (she just graduated from the terrible two's) I cannot wrap my mind around the difficulty and emotional stress having 8 kids almost all at the same age! I am hyperventilating with the thought these little ones screaming all at the same time, crying at the same time, demanding attention ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! When I cannot even begin to cope with a toddler and a newborn. Just thinking of the logistics, the scheduling and the expense, I do not envy the parents. Kate must be a drill sergeant because to make anything happen? it's with the force and power of a general. So it did not come as a surprise that they broke up. Although Kate has been getting the flak for coming across as a "nagging, controlling biatch" I sympathize and emphatize with her. And I cannot help but compare her difficulties with mine. It's hard enough to maintain a romantic and loving husband-wife relationship with 2 small kids..but a small basketball team it's like being on a 24-7 reality show. Oh yeah, I forgot they are on a tv show. All you want to do at the end of the day is play "pass-the-baby" and when the music stops whoever is holding the keeping her. And at the end of the day you just want to close the door, fall in bed, close the lights and forget the world outside. But of course it does not end there. There is still the night time feedings and the toddler tantrums. I kinda admire Kate for trying to keep it together and if she turns into a ranting psycho..well I can't blame her.

And then here's Jon, on the covers of magazines, of him holding hands with a young girl. The articles are full of him spending this, buying that, splurging for a vacation for this homewrecker..and deep inside I feel anger at this. Ummm let me remind you Jon, that you have 8 kids that need money for college? At this point I am happy and grateful, thankful that my family is still a family, we may not have fame or fortune but hopefully just enough to get by.

I see this family's life splattered and smeared all over reality TV and I pity these kids who doesn't even have the luxury of privacy to get through this divorce in private. Their dad's affair flaunted for everyone to discuss and dissect by the watercoolers. And this is the price they pay, too expensive for my taste, I'll pass.


  1. umm....didn't Kate have an affair with the body guard dude?...first?

  2. hmm, who did who first pardon the pun but I am just sad about the kids having to go through this on national tv.
