Friday, October 16, 2009

Me the Bookworm

I read a LOT of books. When I say a lot, I probably read 3-4 books a week. And if I have the time, I would actually prefer to read rather than sleep, which is good for the body but I feel so good just being able to read. I went through most of the books in the adult section and now I am a lurker in the young adult section. You wouldn't believe the range of topics and stories one can find in the yound adult section. Initially I couldn't believe it myself but sometimes the descriptions are sooooo gory that I have to look at the cover twice and remind myself that it came from the "young" set and is meant for the teen population.

I love our library, we usually go to the Norwalk Public library on Motts St. and for me it's a goldmine of information. They have DVD's, VHS for adults and kids alike, new movies, documentary or fiction. Name it, they have it. And ooohhlala..the books, I am in heaven! They have new books, bestsellers, kids books and even parenting magazines. Some of you may hohum..about me going on and on about A LIBRARY. Coming from the Philippines, our libraries are not this well funded and not well supported. So I walk into this one, and again I say I am in heaven.

Give me a book anytime, I can read 1 book in one sitting. I will read it all! But right now I am interested in fantasy and the scary stuff. Thanks to the Twilight series, the vampires are very popular right now. I have read the Vampire Diaries before it was converted to the tv series as we know of now. Another movie is coming out "The Vampire Assistant" Cirque de Freak series by Darren Shan. I am pretty curious how they are gonna go about with the movie, if they are gonna tone it down, coz from what I remember, there are like 10++ books in that series. And like I mentioned before, when you start reading it, you kinda think twice if it's really for teens. Gory, violent and kinda scary if you kinda contemplate that this is supposed to be a kid book.

How did I get started with my love for reading? All I remember was during my childhood, I spent it growing up with my grandparents. We didn't have cable TV back then, so after sesame street in the afternoon there was nothing to watch. I read whatever is on hand, most of the time my aunts books, love stories with lots of torrid kissing and groping, which at that very young age, I never fully understood. I discovered my grade school library and it was like a door opening to wonders. I started borrowing one book at a time, Bobsey twins..then I graduated to Nancy Drew..then Hardy boys. I pretty much read whatever I could get my hands on. Now I have the Norwalk Library.

How do I get my child to love reading and learning. We read 3-5 books before nap time everyday, and 1-2 books at night. I take her to the library and let her choose her books. And I think I did a good job coz Mikayla gets excited going to the library. And she loves books, she reads to her baby sister. Well, not really read but she makes up stories and pretends to read from the book. She already knows her alphabet when she was 18 mos old and her numbers also at that age. I am not really rushing her with learning to read coz, I feel that she will learn when she is ready..

Oh well...I love the Library! Go support the library and start reading :)

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