Thursday, September 17, 2009

Got car... Can drive

Woke up early to accompany my niece to Yorktown,NY so she can take her practical test and finally get her driver's license. I am praying that she will pass, coz it's the 3rd time. The first time she and her dad went, to their dismay, when daddy handed the DMV officer his license, it was expired... hmm funny. Second time I went with and it was wintertime and Mikayla and I were FREEZING! This testing center doesn't have a building or even a shelter for the adults that accompany the kids. i was so surprised, in corporate America where there is a Dunkin Donut, Starbucks on every street corner, this street doesn't have ANY..AT ALL. You just part at the side of the street behind the line of cars with sweaty, nervous and jittery teens waiting for their exams and wait.. and wait... and wait. Finally Indy got her turn, I did try my best to suck up to the officer but no avail, after 5 mins. they came back, my niece with her lips and shoulder drooping, she failed. I felt bad for her and I was thinking maybe I'm a jinx since I remember I also accompanied her mom when she took her test and she failed that too..Oh well. Anyway 3rd time is the charm, passed her test with flying colors with just some minor mishaps. I was sitting on the park bench freezing (again) despite the thick sweatshirt,jeans and thick socks, weather report said it would be like around 60's but it felt like 50's waiting for Ate Indy, and was seated next to a blonde mom wearing a thin cardigan, summery sandals and shivering her ass off hehe. She was very talkative, basically I learned about her 2 teenagers, her job, her opinions on teen driving, her fears on her teens driving, all within 5 mins. I was about to contribute my 2 cents when her daughter drove up and the test was finished, she looked at me and said "That was fast... what does that mean?" I just gave her a sheepish smile and didn't say anything... based on experience, usually if the test was over that quickly, then the kid failed. And I was right, mommy walked up to the officer and the lady told her that her daughter Stephanie needs practice. Oh well. So mommy and daughter drove off and still I sat there waiting. Again wishing for a cup of Joe. But the wait was well worth it, Indy parked and got out of the car, started jumping up and down screaming she passed. And even though she is not my kid, I felt like a proud mommy. I got a glimpse of my future and what my kids will go through. There are a lot of unknowns and I have a lot of fears as a mother to two daughters, but with moments like this, I feel that it will be all worth it.

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