Saturday, September 26, 2009

Health is WEALTH

I do feel envy, not for money, or for love or for material things. I feel envious of my badminton friends playing without pain, I look at them and think, did I do something wrong in my past life to be burdened with pain? (Heaves a great sigh) I really don't have a right to whine, but I have a Japanese friend who has been playing for probably 30 yrs, older than Mohammad and still jumps, lunges and prances about like a 18 yr old on steroids. He is still fast, stamina like a stallion ehehe (Japanese Stallion) and eats rice like it's still the in thing since the low carb diet. Again, I don't have the right to complain, but after tearing my acl, mcl and all the l's (anterior cruciate ligament, medial and lat ligaments) in '07, my love-hate relationship with my knees started. It just felt like it was neverending, non stop doctor appointments, excruciating rehab post surgery. ANd believe me I have a very high threshold for pain, I was on plain tylenol post knee surgery, motrin after both baby deliveries and hmm let me see a sucker for pain and suffering especially after the 1st URban Jungle Adventure race which I was part of the 1st all girl team, we actually placed 3rd out of 20+ teams in a grueling 24 hour race around Metro Manila. Rockwell was the starting point and I will never look at Rockwell as just a MALL. Since we had to rappel down from the roof, traverse a rope a few hundred feet above and walked around it's periphery 10x tied to my team mates. While the beautiful people of Makati and yuppiedom watched and sniggered and wondered..what the hell we were doing. My team consisted of Janet Belarmino, Noelle Wenceslao and a girl who was part of the Philippine national team for kayaking. It was long, hard and brutal by the time we reached the finish line, my knees would not bend, the soles of my feet were unrecognizable because it was one big blister. To the point that my mom had to take me to the ER the next day since I could not walk my feet were swelling and Doc Dave Gamboa had to debride and tape up my poor feet. I can't even climb up the stairs. I CRAWLED up the stairs. Needless to say, I had a very high pain threshold... TO BE CONTINUED

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